Committee meeting
Monthly committee meeting (online). Members welcome to attend.
We're creating collaborative urban living
Monthly committee meeting (online). Members welcome to attend.
Each month, the Sydney Cohousing Incorporated committee meets to conduct the affairs of the association. This includes approving new membership requests, making decisions about our ongoing business, and discussing our plans and goals. All Sydney Cohousing Incorporated members are welcome to attend these meetings, and vote on the matters under consideration. Attendance is via Zoom; […]
Our monthly Sydney Cohousing Inc. committee meeting. Our committee approves new membership requests, makes decisions about our plans and organises events. All Sydney Cohousing Incorporated members are welcome to attend these meetings. Attendance is via Zoom; you can find the link in your email or our Slack channel. The meeting’s agenda and notes are published […]
Sydney Cohousing planning session. All members welcome!
Regular monthly meeting of our committee, to plan events and progress our project.All members of Sydney Cohousing Inc. welcome.