About Us

We’re a diverse group of people living and working in inner-city Sydney (Australia) who want to live more collaboratively and sustainably. Our housing system is broken, and we believe there are better ways to live.

urban cohousing apartments

Our Eco-Village project

vegetable garden

Join us !

About cohousing

A few of us started Sydney Cohousing as a MeetUp group in 2018, with the twin aims of

  • promoting cohousing as an option to policy makers & housing professionals, and
  • creating an intentional community of residents for one or more cohousing projects

We have since decided to focus on establishing one project to begin with – which has the working title ‘Sydney Eco-village’. For more on this, please see our short presentation video.
The ‘Eco-village’ would act as a pilot or demonstration project, to help inspire other, potentially larger cohousing projects to come.

A lot of things need to come together for us to achieve our goals. We need land, finance and help from housing professionals. We also need a community of residents, and a core group of volunteers to help shape our plans. If you’re interested in getting involved, please contact us!

[More info coming soon on membership]

Sydney Cohousing is an Incorporated association, meaning we’re a not-for-profit with a volunteer committee, elected each year by our members. We welcome anyone who shares our aims to join.