About us

Sydney Cohousing is a diverse group of people living and working on Gadigal land in inner-city Sydney (Australia), who want to live more collaboratively and sustainably.

We believe our current housing system is not working for the majority of people, or for our planet, and we know there are better ways to live. Our ancestors lived for thousands of years in small clans and villages, and we want to recreate aspects of village life in a modern setting, inspired by cohousing communities in Europe and elsewhere.

A few of us started Sydney Cohousing as a MeetUp group in 2018, with the twin aims of:

  • promoting cohousing as an option to policy makers & housing professionals, and
  • creating an intentional community of residents for one or more cohousing projects

We have since decided to focus on establishing one project to begin with – which has the working title ‘Sydney Eco-village’. For more on this, please see our short presentation video.

The ‘Eco-village’ would act as a pilot or demonstration project, to help inspire other, potentially larger cohousing projects to come.

A lot of things need to come together for us to achieve our goals. We need land, finance and help from housing professionals. We also need a community of residents, and a core group of volunteers to help shape our plans.

For more info simply sign up to receive our emails (about once a fortnight) or contact us to get involved!

Sydney Cohousing is an Incorporated association, meaning we’re a not-for-profit with a volunteer committee, elected each year by our members. If you’d like to become a member, apply here.